Keywords: innovations, integration, innovative strategy of enterprise, innovative entrepreneurship, industrial structures, monitoring, eco-innovations


The article considers the problems and conditions of promotion of innovations in the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in the conditions of European integration. Research objectives are the analysis of the current state of innovative development of Ukrainian industrial enterprises and the identification of specific innovation strategies with relevant examples in domestic and foreign markets. Alternatives of innovation strategies for enterprises with relevant examples of specific enterprises and the use of marketing tools are described. The main research methods are used: general scientific – analysis of state and regional statistics, market surveys and forecasts, generalizations, analogy, data synthesis, hypothetical method and special – media monitoring, benchmarking. To solve the problems of promoting innovative products in Ukraine, a special algorithm is substantiated and proposed, which includes monitoring public spending on research and development, establishing feedback from the public sector research to industry, solving intellectual property problems and tax incentives, solving acute research problems. personnel through the creation of regional and state university associations, identification of priority areas such as support for eco-innovation, promotion of clean technologies, creation of centers of competence in industrial structures, integration of industrial entrepreneurship into the European Research Area. It was summarized that for the formation of the innovative policy of industrial enterprises, it is recommended to use a marketing approach, which provides for the preliminary formation and design of a new product based on the results of modern marketing research in order to promote innovative products to regional and foreign markets. It was emphasized that the promotion of innovative products is one of the most important areas of activity of industrial enterprises and a very important indicator of the state of the country’s economy as a whole.


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