Keywords: adaptation, adaptation mechanism, adaptive potential, adaptive possibilities, adaptation vector, adaptation process, sustainable economic development


The article is devoted to the study of the adaptation mechanism that can ensure the transition of agro-industrial enterprises to the trajectory of sustainable economic development. Methodological approaches to understanding the theory of adaptation are revealed, among which attention is focused on such as institutionalism, behavioral approach, theory of organizational ethology, cybernetics (management theory), systems theory, synergetic theory. Based on the use of the software product TextAnalyst, a network of basic (most significant) concepts that define the essence of adaptation is identified. As a result, the understanding of adaptation is proposed as a process of adaptation of internal properties of the enterprise to the requirements of a dynamic external environment based on the use of organizational, economic and social regulators in order to ensure the sustainability in the long run. The system of the adaptation mechanism was decomposed with the selection of the following elements: adaptive potential, adaptive capabilities, external forces, elements of adaptation, vector of adaptation, adaptation process, bifurcation points, attractors. The structure of determinants of adaptive potential of enterprises is studied with the recognition of increasing the weight of such a factor as the type of market structure within which the business entity operates, so this factor determines the set of adaptive capabilities (tools). A number of conclusions have been made on the peculiarities of adaptation of agro-industrial enterprises to the conditions and principles of sustainable economic development: reformatting the value vector of interaction of economic entities with the environment imposes restrictions and defines framework trends of adaptation mechanism to mainstream economic development; the role of the active element of adaptation increases; businesses with a high degree of homeostasis very often refrain from choosing radical adaptation strategies. It is proved that the active element of adaptation plays a crucial role in the implementation of mechanisms of adaptation of agro-industrial enterprises to the conditions and principles of sustainable economic development.


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