• S. Kuibida Lviv Regional State Administration
Keywords: national economy, structural adjustment, global competitiveness, economic freedom, tendencies of structural dynamics


The strategic goal of Ukraine's integration into the EU and increasing the global competitiveness of the domestic economy necessitate the overcoming of the structural disadvantages inherent in the domestic model of the economy. It has been stated that the formation of a qualitative structure of the national economy is now crucial for developed countries of the world. They compete in approaches and related tools for building a future economy in the midst of the dramatic technological changes caused by the fourth industrial revolution. It has been noted that the economic system formed at the national level in Ukraine is characterized by weak participation of the state in the world economy. And to find out the level and quality of this participation, we should consider the international ratings in which Ukraine is represented. Among the significant number of them, three global indexes have been considered, which also reflect the structural tendencies in the economic system. It is noted that the rating of the state's competitiveness is based on the Global Competitiveness Index, which determines the appropriate level of welfare of the population, returns on investments and characterizes the potential for economic growth in the long run. For the analysis of the state of regulatory regulation, the conditions of operation of enterprises throughout the cycle of their life, including their creation, conduct of business, foreign trade activity, taxation, etc. are investigated. The Economic Freedom Index is also defined, which is an instrument for in-depth analysis of economies around the world. The article states that during the years of Ukraine's independence, at the state level, the goals of the need to implement technological, structural and institutional reforms in the national economy have been repeatedly declared at the national level in order to increase productivity, increase the proportion of high-tech industries in the structure of GDP, quality of life of the population and, ultimately, competitiveness the state and its regions in the global economy. It is noted that according to international ratings and comparisons, Ukraine is in a low position in the world economy. This suggests that economic reforms that were declared at different times in the state were ineffective. This also applies to the experience of conducting structural economic policy, which dates back to the first years of Ukraine's independence. It is emphasized that the range of government measures for economic development is rather broad, but their analysis allows us to conclude that the state's influence on the economy is insufficient to qualitatively change its structure. Although the general mechanisms of the government are clearly defined, there is a lack of specificity regarding the priorities of sectoral development, taking into account the current economic situation.


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How to Cite
Kuibida, S. (2018). TRENDS OF STRUCTURAL CHOICE OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (143), 56-66. Retrieved from