Keywords: quality of life, rural population, employment, income, demographic factors, access to education, health care


Among the problems that the world is trying to solve today, those related to quality of life are the undisputed ones, as the negative manifestations of quality are reflected in the spread of poverty, limited access to quality education, health, lack of decent conditions, etc. Therefore, the search for the root causes and their elimination to ensure the quality of life is extremely important, especially for the rural population, which contributes to the food security of the country. The purpose of the article is to study the quality of life of the rural population in Ukraine and develop proposals to eliminate the negative trends that have developed in modern conditions. Given the limited methodology for assessing the quality of life, the authors proposed their own approach, which involves the analysis of indicators that assess material well-being, demographic aspects of rural development, as well as development indicators. In particular, the authors propose to include in the demographic indicators the data of the current population, indicators of population formation (average life expectancy at birth, natural increase and migratory population growth). The authors do not single out the indicators that shape the quality of life of the population in the field of health care, because the purpose of the study analyzes the level of quality, rather than factors of quality of life. Among the indicators that reflect the development of rural areas, the authors included indicators of school equipment and technology, the prevalence of extracurricular education, as these indirect indicators allow us to understand whether there is a real improvement in quality of life. Regarding material well-being, the basic indicators include data on monetary income and total resources of the population, as well as its expenditures, as these data maximally reflect the sources of income and opportunities to improve the material condition of the population, development. The article also uses the author's approach to assessing the social security of the population living in rural areas. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the material well-being of the rural population and its employment as the basis for the formation of quality of life. An analysis of the accessibility of education and health care for the rural population and the impact of these factors on the social security of rural areas. The publication proposes areas for improving the quality of life of the rural population in Ukraine, including improving social infrastructure, providing support to the self-employed, promoting small and medium-sized businesses, outlining the participation of NGOs and the role of community in socio-economic development of rural areas.


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How to Cite
Poplavska, O., & Shevchuk, O. (1). QUALITY OF LIFE OF RURAL POPULATION: PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS OF IMPROVEMENT. Economic Scope, (159), 141-146. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/159-29