Keywords: innovation activity, innovations, investments, principles of activization of innovation activity, innovation process, innovation project, investment resources


The article considers the basic principles of activating the innovative activity of the enterprise. It is noted that innovation is the most important means of structural changes in production, ensuring the competitiveness of products and providing conditions for modern enterprises to enter the foreign market. Incomplete use of own domestic investment sources and reasons of socio-economic, legal and political nature necessitate the intensification of innovative activities of enterprises. The essence of the management of innovation processes at the enterprise is that in the modern market the enterprise can be positioned only with a high level of technical or qualitative characteristics of products. In addition, the economic essence of innovation is manifested in the unity of all its components, properties, internal processes, relationships, contradictions, trends and is a set of economic, financial, commercial and organizational measures taken by participants in the innovation and investment process to finding the necessary investment resources, rational formation of their structure and selection of the most effective objects for investment. The effective implementation of innovations in the enterprise depends on the available resource potential of the enterprise and the efficiency of its use. It is noted that the innovation and investment activities of the enterprise is a purposeful process of implementing a set of measures to obtain the appropriate effect, requiring justification of investment, search and selection of investment resources aimed at using research, innovation, fundamentally new products for further implementation. domestic and foreign markets. The intensification of innovative activities will provide the company with technological changes that determine scientific and technological progress, improve product quality, its competitiveness and enable access to the international market with manufactured products. It is argued that the implementation of the basic principles of innovation in a modern enterprise will introduce an investment and innovation management system, based on the actions of levers, expressed in the organization, planning and promotion of efficient use of investment resources and their successful investment in innovation projects to achieve effect.


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Suprun, S., & Davydiuk, L. (1). BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ACTIVATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (159), 111-114.