• I. Popadinets Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: oil and gas company, stacker, diagnostics, socio-matrix, expansiveness


The research was conducted on the structuring of relations between stakeholders, the leader of the steward, who was substantiated, and the degree of steadiness of the stakeholders in general. An effective method for diagnosing the effectiveness of cooperation between stakeholders is the sociometric method, which involves the construction of matrices of positive and negative mutual selection. The obtained data from the socio-matrices are grouped and used to calculate the indicators, namely: an individual sociometric index that takes into account the ratio of stakeholders to each other; individual index of expansiveness - characterizes the degree of communication between stakeholders and reflects the relationship of each one stakeholder to a group of stakeholders in general; The index of group expansiveness, which characterizes the general activity of the group's interaction, expresses the dynamics of its life. On the basis of knowledge of individual indices of sociometric status, the status of each stakeholder in cooperation is evaluated and analyzed. On the basis of a positive mutually matrix, microgroups were identified in cooperation with stakeholders. In the association of stakeholders, there are two microgroups: the first microgroup is a dyad, which includes two stakeholders - B and D, the second microgroup consists of 5 stakeholders: B, J, K, M, and L. In the association of stakeholders, such a negative factor is "ignored". These are stakeholders who have received only negative ratings. They are shareholders of E, I and Z. They were negatively evaluated because they refused to participate in the poll. The majority of stakeholders would be for not cooperating with them, but they have a high level of social investment and are desirable from a professional point of view. Also, the ranking of the social status of stakeholders in this merger is performed, which demonstrates the importance of each stakeholder in cooperation. The analysis found that the largest number of points was received by stakeholders under the letter M and B, since they are not leaders of the association of stakeholders, they are informal leaders number 1 and number 2, respectively. The third in the rating is a stakeholder under the letter of Zh, who is the current head of the association of stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Popadinets, I. (2019). SOCIOMETRIC STUDY ON THE INTERACTION OF STEAKHOLDERS OF OIL AND GAS ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (142), 206-216. Retrieved from