Keywords: administration, chief, leader, leadership, management


Today Ukrainian enterprises operate in difficult conditions. In these conditions, the question of improving management arises. The work of a well-coordinated team is required. We need a leader. There are managers who skillfully manage enterprises. They guide workers towards common goals. But there are those who cannot influence their subordinates. These leaders do not have the necessary leadership qualities. We believe that the issue of leadership in modern management is relevant and timely. The aim of the study is to clarify the concept of "leadership". The place and role of leadership in the enterprise management system has been determined. Some scholars combine leadership with the phenomenon of power. We believe that being a leader and being a leader in an organization are not the same thing. There is no single definition of leadership. Each researcher gives his own definition. The phenomenon of leadership is complex. There are many classifications of leader types. One part of them concerns life and professional experience. The second part relates to psychological characteristics. The third describes habits and style. Leader style is the manner in which the leader behaves with subordinates. Several manners are shown in the article. Leadership is the relationship between the leader and the members of the group. They influence each other and strive to achieve results. We believe that management and leadership are equally important for an enterprise. But, it is necessary to distinguish between a leader and a manager. The definition of management is similar to the definition of leadership: achieving the goals of an organization with the help of people subordinate to a manager. Managers should be leaders. The distinctive features of management and leadership are given. The main difference between a manager and a leader is the source of power. The ideal is the merging of the qualities of a leader and a manager in one person. Leadership is a form of manifestation of influence on people's behavior, based on socio-psychological contact and socio-psychological methods of management. Management is a form of influencing people's behavior, based on administrative, legal and economic methods of management. Leadership does not replace the management process. It complements it when traditional management methods fail to solve the problem. Effective leadership is built on trust. The development of the leadership concept changes the content of modern management. Distinguishes between old and new approaches to management. These approaches are leadership and leadership oriented.


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MarkinaІ., Voronina, V., & DmytrenkoІ. (1). LEADERSHIP AS A PHENOMENON OF MODERN MANAGEMENT. Economic Scope, (159), 88-91. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/159-18