Keywords: rural areas, clusters, clustering, organization of development, market self-organization, competitiveness


The article summarizes the features of the formation and development of cluster structures in rural areas. It is noted that the modern system of organization of production in rural areas requires the formation of new types of relationships. Central to this process may be the development of clusters in rural areas, the creation of which promotes the formation of high-tech and science-intensive associations with a closed production cycle with a high level of added value in the final product, creates new jobs, development of social and industrial infrastructure. rural areas. The cluster is a system that operates on the basis of cooperation of a group of neighboring territorial producers, and combines different forms of management, producers of means of production, processing plants that operate on the basis of competition and cooperation and support innovative development through joint efforts. Such a system is aimed at creating competitive products. The laws and principles of organization of clusters in rural areas are determined. Clusters in rural areas can be formed through market self-organization, which occurs mostly at the initiative of the leading enterprise in a particular industry. It does not hurt to note that potential members of the cluster, as a rule, produce similar products, and therefore are actually competitors in commodity markets. It is noted that the state policy to support the development of clusters in rural areas should promote the modernization of infrastructure, increase the efficiency of business and social development of rural areas, highlighted the main elements of clustering policy in rural areas. Thus, today for rural areas clusters are the most effective form of organization and management of production, as the market will no longer compete with individual enterprises, but whole complexes, which will increase their competitiveness. Thus, clusters in a single rural area will contribute to the sus-tainable development of this area on the basis of initiative, awareness, integration, interest, which, in the future, contribute to improving the level and quality of life of the rural population; creating appropriate conditions for attracting investments and implementing new investment projects; development of new business services on the basis of cooperation of various research institutions; introduction and use of innovative technologies in the framework of cooperation of cluster entities; solving most socio-economic and environmental issues and problems. Therefore, it is advisable to deepen theoretical and applied research on the problems of agro-industrial clustering.


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How to Cite
Korobka, S. (1). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ТА РОЗВИТКУ КЛАСТЕРНИХ СТРУКТУР НА СІЛЬСЬКИХ ТЕРИТОРІЯХ. Economic Scope, (159), 75-79. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/159-15