Keywords: innovations, economic security, business entity, innovation models, innovation systems


In modern conditions, the development of the world economic system is due primarily to innovative processes associated with the creation and implementation of advanced advances in science and technology. Therefore, the sphere of innovation has become the most important resource of the state, the efficiency of which determines the dynamics and progressive development of the national economy. In this regard, the intensification of innovative activities of economic entities becomes a necessary condition for the realization of national interests in the economic security of the country. Innovative development of economic entities in the economy is one of the most important processes that ensure its safe integration into the global economic space. In the modern economic literature there are not enough publications devoted to the substantiation of the place and role of innovative development in the process of ensuring economic security. Despite the special attention paid to the issues of economic and national security abroad, studies of this problem in the foreign economic literature have not become widespread. The paper investigates various scientific approaches to determining the essence of innovations and examines their place in the structure of economic security factors of economic entities. Based on the selection of groups of factors that affect economic security, the paper presents its decomposition into relevant areas of security. The study of innovation as a factor of economic security in the article is based on clarifying the content of innovation as an economic category. The paper analyzes two fundamentally different approaches to understanding the essence of innovation: innovation as a result and innovation as a process. To obtain the most complete idea of the essence of innovation, as well as to identify the best conditions for their creation and introduction into economic practice, theoretical approaches to the emergence of innovation are considered. It is determined that in the most general form of the innovation model can be divided into linear and interactive models. The term "innovation" has been clarified and supplemented in terms of ensuring sustainable development, which is based on the environmental imperative of economic development.


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How to Cite
Zachosova, N., Kutsenko, D., & Didenko, T. (1). THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATIONS AND THEIR PLACE IN THE STRUCTURE OF ECONOMIC SECURITY FACTORS. Economic Scope, (159), 66-70.