• M. Melnuchyk Kharkiv Institute of Finance of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: internal control, social capital, trade enterprise, convention


The formation of an information environment on social capital requires continuous monitoring to increase the confidence of managers in its reliability. The purpose of the article is to justify the methodological support and organizational policy for the implementation of internal control of the social capital of trading enterprises. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: to summarize the tasks and components of the internal control of social capital in a trading enterprise; define a conceptual model of internal control of social capital; determine the list of social capital control procedures. The paper states that the purpose of internal control of social capital is to establish the reliability of transactions with elements of capital, the correctness of their reflection in the accounts, assessment of the value of social capital and capitalization of the enterprise, the timeliness of identifying errors, risks and threats. The task of internal control at an enterprise and control of social capital is grouped and these tasks characteristic is given. The conceptual model of internal control of social capital by trade enterprises is recommended, based on the approach of risk assessment. The list of procedure of control of social capital is offered. To revealed the content of such procedures to increase the functionality of the required elements. Interconnection of accounting and control systems with respect to social capital for quality control is presented. In particular, in order to increase the efficiency of internal control of social capital, the interconnection of accounting units - the information source of control and structural units of internal control - is schematically indicated. Each information block contains elements of methods - measurement, registration, grouping, generalization of information about social capital. Internal control is disclosed through components that determine its normative, methodological and organizational aspects.


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How to Cite
Melnuchyk, M. (2019). INTERNAL CONTROL OF SOCIAL CAPITAL OF TRADE ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (142), 185-195. Retrieved from