• Z. Atamanchuk Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Keywords: globalization, integration, tourism, network tourism industry, synergy effect, sustainability


The new economic phenomena of the tourism industry in many countries, where there is an increase in the concentration and centralization of services provision, has been shown in the complex crossing of integration, transnationalization, accompanied by the processes of the society informatization, require a constructive scientific rethinking in the tourism business activities, that increases the relevance of the identified issues. In the article on the basis of the author's general scientific methods of theoretical generalization and abstraction, methods of analysis and synthesis have been used: a thorough analysis of the types of organizational models of network integration in the field of international tourism; a comparative analysis of the scale of world tourist networks activities, global online travel agencies, hotel chains, restaurant networks, global partner airlines; the role of electronic commerce in the tourism globalization as a result of the society informatization processes have been substantiated; it has been proved that the network tourism industry formation is an irreversible process of intensive integration of industries adjacent to the tourism industry, global integration of countries in order to enhance the synergies of the business environment as factors determining the creation of a new tourism product within a defined tourist destination and, in general, determine sustainable tourism development.


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How to Cite
Atamanchuk, Z. (2019). THE NETWORK TOURIST INDUSTRY FORMATION AS A FORM OF GLOBAL INTEGRATION OF COUNTRIES. Economic Scope, (141), 49-64. Retrieved from