Keywords: stakeholders, construction company, economic security, interests, influencing factors


The existing scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the concept "stakeholders" are researched in this work. Stakeholders of construction companies are defined, for the most part, as in other industries, in terms of the traditional approach to stakeholder theory: as individuals or organizations that either affect the end result of the enterprise or are exposed to its influence. The importance of identification and grouping the parties concerned about the construction industry was established taking into account their interests, interaction, the particularities of the industry and individual characteristics of the enterprise. This article provides a study of scientific papers and developments concerning the classification of enterprise stakeholders. The authors identified the main groups of features by which you can classify the stakeholders of the construction company. Considering the industry particularities of the construction company and the influence of stakeholders on the economic security of the enterprise, it has been proposed to distinguish the groups of stakeholders based on their classification in relation to the external and internal environment. Among them there are groups of the most important, influential stakeholders, whose interests should be taken into account in running the business. Among the stakeholders of the external environment of the construction company the following main groups of concerned parties are identified: consumers (customers); suppliers; state; financial organizations; competitors. The employees and owners of the enterprise are distinguished as stakeholders of the internal environment. The classification of interests and factors that influence the economic security of the enterprise is given here, and the nature of their influence by groups of stakeholders – useful and destabilizing – has also been determined. It is noted that the influence of stakeholders on the economic security of the enterprise can be both positive, create opportunities and negative, be threats to the economic security of the construction company. As stakeholders have a significant number of tools to influence economic security, the problem of their research arises even more.


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Kalinichenko, lyudmila, & Zinenko, K. (2020). STAKEHOLDERS AS FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Economic Scope, (158), 38-45.