• О. Illiashenko O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: economic security, trading enterprise, system of economic security, formation, peculiarities


The author points out that sustainable functioning and economic development of a trading enterprise under contemporary economic conditions depends on an effective system of economic security at an enterprise, which should ensure competitiveness and evolvement of a trading enterprise. But the system of economic security of enterprise cannot be universal, in fact domestic enterprises are very various. Therefore, today the range of problems of the applied aspect of construction of the system of economic security of trade enterprise and her descriptions actual taking into account the features of enterprise and terms of their activity. The author researches the essence of a notion of a system for economic security of an enterprise, substantiates the expediency of applying the system approach in the process of forming economic security of a trading enterprise, and determines advantages of the system approach. The author proves that a system for economic security of a trading enterprise entirely conforms to the main features of a system and suggests a definition for a system of economic security of a trading enterprise. The author highlights that economic security of trading activity contemplates implementing a complex of measures, which guarantees the stability of functioning of an enterprise, as well as protecting from treats of external and internal environments. In the article certainly and examples of threats of economic security of environment and reasonable threats are made her internal environment. The author has indicated a purpose of ensuring economic security of a trading enterprise. It is marked that the system of economic security of trade enterprise must provide and guarantee economic security in a current period and in the future. The article discloses peculiarities of trade, which underpin the formation of a system for economic security of a trading enterprise. The author has ascertained stages for forming a system of economic security at a trading enterprise.


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How to Cite
IlliashenkoО. (2019). PECULIARITIES OF FORMING ECONOMIC SECURITY OF A TRADING ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (142), 161-171. Retrieved from