Keywords: accounting, consulting company, business security, financial and economic security


The organization of accounting is a special component of the formation of information space management of business activities of the company in the field of business security. This is due to the fact that it is at the stage of accounting organization that the basic issues of accounting and the order of establishing information and communication relations in the service management system in the field of business security and in the context of interaction with the customer of this kind of service. The purpose of this study is to provide accounting services in the field of business security. In the course of the research it was found that the issues of organization of accounting consulting services in the field of security should be considered in the following sequence, namely: the task of accounting; principles of accounting; elements of accounting method. The organization of accounting is the element that at the stage of formation of information management system of economic activity, allows to determine the mechanism of execution of all tasks. It is established that the task of accounting for services in the field of business security is the formation of information about the processes of provision and implementation of services in the field of business security and their impact on the results of business activities of the implementing company. In turn, the task of accounting information is to meet the specific information needs of internal and external users. Determining the tasks of accounting and accounting information are directed to the management and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of services in the field of business security and take into account their specificity and properties. The article explores the domestic and foreign experience of accounting regulation of the general list of accounting principles. Developing a system of accounting principles in Ukraine, we note that the domestic accounting legislation on the composition of the principles does not have a single approach, we consider it necessary to apply the principles foreseen by the National Accounting Regulation (Standard) 1 in the organization of accounting consulting services in the field of security reporting. "


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How to Cite
Shyrokopoyas, O. (2020). ACCOUNTING IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS SECURITY. Economic Scope, (157), 111-117.