• Т. Grinko Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
  • А. Dudnichenko Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
Keywords: efficiency, effect, efficiency indicators, economical efficiency, mechanism of management, methodology


The complexity, ambiguity, importance of the problem of ensuring the economic efficiency of the enterprise in a dynamic environment, the emergence of new market and internal threats and capabilities require constant research in the development of methodological approaches to ensure the economic efficiency of the enterprise. The problem of ensuring the economic efficiency of the company was successfully researched by both foreign and domestic scientists. However, despite the significant contribution of the aforementioned economists to the modern economic theory, some aspects of ensuring the economic efficiency of the enterprise need further study, since continuous changes in the external business environment form all new challenges and requirements for a modern enterprise management system in the context of ensuring the efficiency of their operation. In the process of research, methods of generalization, systematization, structuring, evaluation, critical and complex analysis were used. On the basis of the analysis of the main approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of "management mechanism", the following interpretation is proposed: a set of certain means (levers, methods, tools, principles) of management, caused by causal relationships, through which the functions of management and management are carried out. actions contributing to the transformation of labor into the product of labor in accordance with the mission of the enterprise, that is, a combination of enterprise resources and business processes, organization and harmonization of their compliance with the target enterprises of the enterprise. In addition, the article examines the effectiveness of using such approaches to management in the context of the formation of a mechanism for managing economic efficiency: a reproductive approach, ecosystem approach, normative approach, tactical approach and strategic approach. It is substantiated that the complex approach is based on the principles of integration, the principle of complexity and the method of system analysis and synthesis, which allows to form an effective mechanism for managing efficiency with the possibility of its maximization.


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How to Cite
GrinkoТ., & DudnichenkoА. (2019). PROBLEMS OF ENSURING THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (142), 149-160. Retrieved from