• O. Nesterenko Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
Keywords: credit union, accounting, analysis, control, accounting and analytical system, financial services, functional approach, reporting


The purpose of the article is to develop organizational and methodological issues of credit unions accounting and analytical system modeling. It has been proven that balanced accounting and analytical system is capable to solve most of the credit unions management tasks, for which the most important is the process of lending and providing other financial service. It is substantiated that credit union accounting and analytical system modeling depends on technological cycle specifics, and, consequently, on activity functions. Applying functional approach allowed highlighting the main functions performed by the credit unions and grouping financial services that affects accounting and analytical system components. Constructed according to the functional approach credit union accounting and analytical system provides its separate components allocation (control unit, accounting policy, working chart of accounts, documentation, financial reporting, analysis and control block, information technology infrastructure), which comprehensively reflect accounting and analytical support for all business operations and objects taking part in them. The control unit through its functions serves as the information foundation for managing the activities of the credit union. Accounting policies are the main, internal rules of the credit union, which defines the basic rules and rules for accounting in the credit union. In the working plan of the credit union accounts, provide accounts and sub-accounts, depending on the types of financial services provided to the members of the credit union. The control function of management is a necessary condition for the functioning and development of a credit union. Ensuring the stability of the operation of credit unions, minimizing and leveling the risks that could threaten the financial stability of the credit union is provided by the analysis unit. It is proved that developed accounting and analytical system, on the one hand, is a source of information to accompany of financial services providing process and a tool for working with incoming and accumulated information, and, on the other hand, will allow to control different parameters of operations at any moment.


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How to Cite
Nesterenko, O. (2019). CREDIT UNION ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SYSTEM MODELING. Economic Scope, (142), 123-135. Retrieved from