• Svitlana Morozova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Yuliia Orlovska Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: center-peripheral model, hierarchical structure, innovative development, EU countries, Ukraine, cluster analysis, determinants of innovative development


The article examines the factors of innovative development of the EU’s and Ukraine’s economic systems, which affect the success of integration interactions and sustainable economic growth. It has been proved, based on a comparison of different theoretical approaches that the modern core-peripheral development of social systems in the integration association corresponds to a dynamic hierarchical structure. The authors believe that the drivers of this development are innovation processes in economic systems. It has been found that generating and problem-based approaches are the most adequate approaches for characterizing and assessing the innovative core-peripheral development of countries. A system of ten indicators for assessing the innovative development of countries has been proposed and a cluster analysis of the EU and Ukraine countries according to these indicators and for the period from 2005 to 2018 has been carried out. The hierarchical structure of the innovative European space has been proved and six clusters of countries have been selected. The identified differences between the clusters of countries allowed them to be grouped into three blocks of the core-peripheral model: the innovation center; innovation province and innovation periphery. The architecture of the “Innovation Center-Peripherality” model has been proposed. That model has revealed the number and quality of countries “transitions” between clusters (dynamics of the composition of countries) and a stable list of “innovation center” countries, which is almost unchanged over the period. The comparative analysis of innovative development determinants for the countries from each of core-peripheral model blocks has been carried out. It has been proved that Ukraine, as one of the countries of the “innovation periphery” bloc, for the sake of successful European integration and convergence of economic development must develop a strategy for transition to the “innovation province” bloc through the transition to the nearest (border) cluster. The key guidelines of the most adequate strategy of innovative development of Ukraine have been substantiated.


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How to Cite
Morozova , S., & Orlovska , Y. (2020). INNOVATIVE CORE-PERIPHERY OF EU COUNTRIES DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (155), 71-82.