Keywords: agrarian insurance, insurance fund, insurance protection, insurance risks, insurance opportunities, insurance


The article is devoted to determining the methodological aspects of the formation of insurance funds of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The article also discusses the methodology of insurance protection of agricultural production in Ukraine, analyzes the characteristics of the economic category "insurance fund". The concept of the economic category "insurance funds" by economic importance and from the scientific point of view of theoretical aspects is taken into account, taking into account the interpretation of the authors of scientific publications. The purpose of the insurance fund as a financial base for determining the financial reliability of an enterprise is specified, whereby its financial resources can be used to reduce and prevent negative consequences, losses or risks even before the occurrence of insurance events. The author investigates sources of financial resources and methods of formation of insurance funds of agricultural producers. The organizational forms of creation of insurance funds of the enterprises having the intended purpose are characterized. Their role in insurance is defined as a public relations regarding the accumulation of money or tangible assets. It has been proved that the purpose of the insurance fund is to protect against risks and to compensate the losses of agricultural producers in the event of insured events. The article also identifies the sources and procedure for forming insurance funds of agricultural enterprises. Generalized organizational forms of the insurance fund by the methods of their formation, taking into account public practice. Creation of insurance funds occurs at the expense of voluntary and compulsory contributions, insurance payments, budgetary allocations, funds of the Agrarian Pool. The author systematizes the components of the mechanism of operation of the insurance fund, which include the principles, forms, methods, functions, sources and theories of formation, depending on the purpose of financial resources. The stated positions made it possible to draw conclusions on the methodology of formation of insurance funds of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of globalization crisis.


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