• Alla Vasylyk National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Ganna Smaliychuk National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Anna Golovko National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: professional burnout, HR manager, job satisfaction, fatigue, burnout prevention


The problem of professional burnout is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Employees of modern businesses and organizations whose activities involve emotionally complex professional responsibilities are prone to professional burnout. Occupational burnout in an employee occurs as a defensive reaction to stressful influences, causing a negative impact on both the psychological and physical condition and on the effectiveness of employees. For this reason, the purpose of the article is to investigate the issues of burnout that are manifested in a state of exhaustion, personal distance from teamwork and teamwork, and to reduce the motivation to exercise one's professional responsibilities. During the research, the level of professional burnout of the personnel managers was determined and the factors and causes of its occurrence were identified. Stress and burnout have become an increasing and often-discussed phenomenon over the last decade. The most common sources of stress among adults in modern world include work, money, and health. Levels of stress vary from person to person depending on a variety of factors that can influence such feelings, including a person's employment status, age, income, and ethnicity. The article analyzes the professional burnout syndrome as a process, examines the cause and effect of forming it in HR managers. Managerial function is a stressful activity. Manager is a person who controls all the resources in an organization. He is under constant pressure to perform better and better. The authors investigate means of prevention and anticipation, the main of which are to promote change of activities, maintaining a work-life balance, having a comfortable arrangement of work space and recreation areas in the company, creating conditions for personal development and life-long learning. The professional burnout of a HR manager is a significant problem in this area of work, as the work of an HR manager is associated with significant communication workload, high levels of stress and responsibility, variety of functions and lack of time resources, overtime, and high levels of competition.


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How to Cite
Vasylyk, A., Smaliychuk, G., & Golovko, A. (2020). PECULIARITIES AND PREVENTION OF PROFESSIONAL BURNING OF PERSONNEL MANAGERS. Economic Scope, (154), 174-178.