• N. Danilevich Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • О. Poplavska Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Yu. Puzirevska Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: motivation, young people, privileges, motivational tools, motivational profile, system of motivations


The purpose of the study is to analyze the motives of young people and to develop recommendations for creating a system of motivations for young professionals in business companies. A sociological survey was conducted to identify this problem in various spheres of economic activity. It is substantiated that a properly organized system of motivations helps to significantly increase the efficiency of employees. The most common methods of motivation used in Ukrainian companies are investigated. A profiles of today's young specialist are formed as a graded scale that covers basic, desirable and non-essential but important values. It is substantiated that the motivational profile of young specialists has a number of features due to the desire of young people to acquire a sufficient level of professional competences, and manifests itself in the values of development. The dependency of the employee profile levels on the company's goals in the field of personnel management has been developed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the dynamic development of business companies, the continuous updating of the team and directing it towards efficiency and profitability must be extended to all employees. It is recommended to follow the following principles when developing a system of motivation: orientation towards satisfying the desirable values of the employee, taking into account market prices for labor of the relevant qualification and competence, and creating flexible systems of motivations for the personnel. Targeting the satisfaction of the desired values of the employee requires the company to continuously monitor and evaluate the importance of the motives of employees. It has been determined that for the standard profile an important component is the compensation system of rewards based on decent wages, for the basic one - it is important to supplement the compensation model with the elements of the social package, and for the specialized profile - to individualize the social package, and to expand the non-material component of the motivations. Based on the results of the research, the model for the implementation of the system of motivations for young professionals, which provides for the individualization of social packages for the employees, depending on their category, is proposed. In addition, the list of elements of the social package should include those that are interesting for various age groups.


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How to Cite
Danilevich, N., PoplavskaО., & Puzirevska, Y. (2019). MOTIVATION OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: FEATURES, RECOMMENDATIONS. Economic Scope, (142), 53-64. Retrieved from