• Wen Mingming Школа менеджменту, Університет океану Гуандун
  • Kostiantyn Mamonov O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Ivan Kondratyuk O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: territorial development, land use of regions, coastal areas of China, model, technology


The necessity of ensuring the territorial development of land use is proved. The relevance of substantiating the experience of ensuring the territorial development of land use in the regions of China is determined. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical base and research experience in ensuring the territorial development of land use in coastal regions of China. The objectives of the study in the context of achieving the goal are: substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the determination of the territorial development of regional land; identification of the peculiarities of ensuring the territorial development of the territory of land, taking into account the experience of coastal regions of China Given the theoretical basis for determining the territorial development of the use of land in the regions, taking into account the features of the functioning of coastal cities, the territorial development model, where spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors are determined, forms the appropriate quantitative basis and applies modern information systems. The necessity of developing a high-quality innovative technology to ensure the territorial development of the use of land in the regions is explained, it connects system spatial, urban planning, investment and environmental factors, modern methods and models, geographic information tools, which is a geofactorial analysis. The analysis has identified spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors, established criteria for their selection. The model of territorial development is proposed, given the experience of land use in coastal regions of China.


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How to Cite
Mingming, W., Mamonov, K., & Kondratyuk, I. (2020). TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF LAND USE IN THE REGION: EXPERIENCE OF COASTAL REGIONS OF CHINA. Economic Scope, (154), 165-168. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/154-31