• S. Shevchuk University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Keywords: customs interests, customs security, customs, state regulation, strategy of ensuring customs interests, management


Modern strategic approaches have been investigated and key directions of ensuring the customs interests of the state have been singled out. During the work, an inadequate level of complexity, systemicity, complementarity and completeness of implementation of regulatory acts responsible for ensuring customs interests has been established. The analysis of the legislative framework showed the declarative-orientational character of the key documents (concepts, programs, plans) in the customs sphere and their inability to solve the actual spectrum of economic problems in real time. The main strategic priorities of the development of customs services in the developed countries of the world are outlined. On the basis of this, it became clear that the advanced countries of the world, aware of the globalization challenges, the intensification of international competition and the role of scientific and technological progress, not only have a welldeveloped strategy for the development of customs services, but also actively introduce new technologies into the activities of customs and border agencies. Conclusions are made about the absence of a unified strategic course of the state on the development of revenue and collection systems, customs policy, customs, which continues to counterproductively affect the management vertical and significantly impedes adequate innovation response to the current challenges in the use of new technologies in the customs field. It is emphasized that a number of important aspects affecting the customs interests of Ukraine are influenced, which causes a certain specificity of understanding of the fundamental principles of construction and the criteria for implementing the strategy. It is noted that in the conditions of permanent transformations of the global economy, ensuring national customs interests is a necessary factor in the economic development of the state, and one of the important and effective tools for their protection remains a harmoniously functioning strategy. In the relevant context, the hypothesis about the importance of constructing a strategy for ensuring the customs interests of the state is substantiated and its key areas of implementation are outlined. Also, attention is focused on the main structural elements that should have an appropriate strategy, including the mission, principles, stages of implementation, indicators of achievement of the resulting effect, as well as coordinated forms of cooperation between income and expenditure bodies and other institutions in the system of public administration.


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