• Olha Hudz National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
  • Anna Panchenko National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
Keywords: enterprise, competitiveness, competitors, public procurement, tender, bidding


The purpose of the article is to identify the basic components that form the appropriate level of competitiveness of the enterprise on ProZorro electronic platforms. This is relevant because about 4000 purchases are announced on the ProZorro system every day. In this way, enterprises can increase the sales of their products. The expert method of research was used. The process of participation of enterprises in tenders placed on ProZorro e-commerce platforms is briefly characterized. This process includes submission of tender documents by the customer, submission of proposals by participants, bidding with the choice of the winner. During the research, the level of competitiveness of Aquapolimer Engineering LLC at the ProZorro electronic trading platforms was substantiated. This company specializes in complex solution of problems in designing, assembly and installation of treatment facilities, installation of tanks. Analysis of competitors of Aquapolimer Engineering LLC, which provide similar services, has been completed. For each competitor (30 in total), such indicators are presented as: number of concluded contracts, percentage of concluded contracts in total quantity, value of concluded contracts, average value of one contract, number of concluded contracts in one year, number of disqualifications and work experience. A rating scale for these criteria has been generated. The competitiveness schedule is presented. The strongest competitors for Aquapolimer Engineering LLC are found (only 13 out of 30). A similar assessment of the competitiveness of Aquapolimer Engineering LLC was also performed for 2017-2018. The strengths of the enterprise are revealed. This is the number of contracts and the value of contracts that increase every year. The participation of the company in tenders contributes to the increase of sales and increase of net profit. The share of products sold by Aquapolimer Engineering LLC increased to 76.3% in total volume due to participation in tenders. In general, the pros of the ProZorro system are identified. These are effective public procurement, reduction of corruption risks, implementation of an accessible tender monitoring process for all parties, creation of conditions for attracting new participants to the public procurement process. The practical value of the article is that this approach allows the company to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses among competitors applying for the same tender.


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How to Cite
Hudz, O., & Panchenko, A. (2020). EVALUATION OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE ACCORDING TO THE PROZORRO SYSTEM (FOR EXAMPLE OF AQUAPOLIMER ENGINEERING LLC). Economic Scope, (154), 98-103. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/154-18