Keywords: competitiveness, competition, factors of competitiveness, efficiency, management


The main aspects of enterprise competitiveness are investigated, because in the current conditions of existence of enterprises the process of their development becomes more relevant. The definition of the concept of “competition”, “competitiveness” and features of application of these categories in management practice are considered. Competitiveness of an enterprise is one of the most important categories of a market economy and characterizes the possibility and efficiency of adaptation of an enterprise to the conditions of competitive environment. External and internal factors of formation of enterprise competitiveness are investigated. The influence of internal and external factors on the sustainability of enterprise development is revealed. The directions of economic development of the enterprise are investigated as the development of the enterprise covers different spheres of activity. The conditions for ensuring a high level of competitiveness are given and the influence of competition on the level of development of the enterprise is established. The expediency of development management from the standpoint of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise is substantiated. The necessity of development of an individual effective enterprise strategy aimed at creating conditions for development and improvement of the competitive position of the enterprise in the future is considered. It is emphasized that in the present conditions the economic entity must analyze and contribute to the level of competitiveness for the effective functioning and evaluation of its future prospects. It is revealed that development is a necessary precondition for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise. The factors that influence the formation of competitiveness of enterprises and its enhancement in the conditions of international economic activity are presented. It is established that economic development is one of the main goals of the functioning of any enterprise as it provides for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Development is the main component of ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise in competition.


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