Keywords: work, labor potential, labor potential management of the enterprise, work standardization, organization of labor, norms of service, optimal number of employees


At the beginning of market economy development, work on labor standardizing in agricultural enterprises in Ukraine was significantly reduced. And the position of work study man was eliminated from the regular lists of enterprises. However, today, in the conditions of limited and expensive resources, agricultural producers are gradually becoming aware of the need to use the standardizing of labor and its organization on a scientific basis, since the work standardizing and planning activities is a condition for rational use of resources. Accordingly, there is a growing demand for work standardizing today. Some farm owners are willing to pay for labor standardization services by outsourcing professionals. The results presented in the article are obtained on the basis of the study of working conditions and its organization and implementation of work standardizing at specific agricultural enterprises of Sumy region. Studies have shown that in all enterprises there are no specialists-regulators; outdated labor standards are used; persistent conflicts between workers and employers over conditions and pay; constant violation of labor discipline by employees; large losses of working time due to the fault of the employee, irrational organization of work and distribution of responsibilities; duplication of functions not only by employees but also by structural departments of the enterprise; lack of control over the execution of tasks. On the basis of the analysis of the organization of work and observations for the surveyed enterprises, the following measures have been developed for the work standardization: substantiated standards of service and norms of the number of employees; job responsibilities for all categories of employees; substantiated project organizational structures for each enterprise, taking into account measures to optimize the number of staff; reserves were found to save costs, which became the basis for the increase in chargeable man-hour rate. The results show that after the implementation of the developed labor standards, the number of employees, organizational structures, job responsibilities and wage rates reduced the time lost from 28% to 13% and increased the coordination of the work of livestock farms. Therefore, labor rationing has become the basis for increasing the efficiency of labor potential.


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