• Alexander Gerasimchuk Zhytomyr sovereign technological university
Keywords: financial resources, enterprise, amicable settlement, management, resource potential


The article discusses ways to improve the efficiency of use of financial resources by an enterprise. It was stated that in order to effectively manage the enterprise resource potential, it is necessary to form the subject's mission; building goals of the enterprise; analysis of external factors (identification of potential threats and opportunities) and internal environments; assessment of resource efficiency, which should include a set of indicators and criteria to further determine the optimal direction of enterprise resource management and control as a basic and necessary step to build a system of effective management of enterprise resource potential. It is determined that the important directions of formation of the system of effective management of the use of resource potential are: efficient use of labor resources; ensuring the stability of formation and efficiency of use of internal and external financial resources; development of innovation processes and their implementation. The problem of managing the formation and use of financial resources must be analyzed at a strategic, tactical and operational level. In order to ensure an effective solution to the economic and social problems of the enterprise, it is necessary to learn how to distribute financial resources and choose the best options for increasing capital both from external and internal financial resources. The created model of increase of efficiency of use of financial resources on an example of Concern "Viytorgservice" is considered. So, the Concern is a state-owned economic association based on state property in the form of a concern. The concern belongs to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Under the terms of the agreement, a significant increase of the revenue part of the Voentorgservice Concern (hereinafter referred to as Concern) is planned, taking into account the possibilities in the future, and above all taking into account the real, to date, state of financial and economic activity of the Concern. It is known that to improve the financial well-being of the company requires rational, economical use of available financial resources. For this reason, the article focuses on the concept of "efficient use of financial resources" Therefore, the Group needs to take a comprehensive approach to managing its financial resources.


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How to Cite
Gerasimchuk, A. (2020). WAYS TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF USE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (153), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/153-7