• L. Petrenko Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetmanс
Keywords: innovations, innovative processes, innovative technologies, innovation-investment model of development


For Ukraine, the creation of entrepreneurial universities capable of effectively interacting with business is an acute, socially and economically significant problem, since universities must take an active part in modernizing society and transforming the economy. The purpose of the article is to determine what functions in the "university-business" system from the point of view of innovative development, should be performed by a modern university and internal restrictions on the performance of these functions exist in Ukraine. In the framework of this study, educational and research functions (as functions of a classical or research university) were taken for granted and focus has been placed on examining the functions of an entrepreneurial university. In the formation of the theory, methods of induction, analysis and synthesis are used, the practical part of the study is based on the analysis of data from the official websites of Ukrainian universities. It is established that in the framework of the formation of modern mechanisms of interaction between the university and business in the context of ensuring innovative development, the university provides: firstly, the development of an entrepreneurial culture: 1.1) the university popularizes the values of the economy of knowledge and innovation as the basis of entrepreneurship enshrined in the mission and strategy of the university; 1.2) the concentration and use of relevant knowledge about innovations and entrepreneurship on the basis of active international interaction, internationalization of activities in the field of education and scientific research; 1.3) intensification of interaction with all persons and organizations interested in the activities of the university (stakeholders). secondly, the improvement of entrepreneurial education: 2.1) the introduction of innovative entrepreneurial education as part of the educational program and, possibly, as a compulsory subject; 2.2) widespread use of innovative teaching methods, informatization of the learning process; 2.3) motivation and development of leadership and entrepreneurial qualities by attracting students to entrepreneurial and innovative activities during their studies at the university; 2.4) the introduction of "open courses" at the university, for example, in the format of start-up schools for entrepreneurship education; 2.5) attracting prominent specialists, business representatives, investors to teach at the university; 2.6) the preparation by universities not of individual specialists, but of ready-made teams and even companies (new market entities); thirdly, the transformation of the university into a key element of the innovation infrastructure of the economy: 3.1) understanding by the leadership of the university’s mission and the role of the university in the country and region of residence, according to this, the formulation of goals and objectives (the mission in the university’s strategy is clearly indicated) of integration with local business; 3.2) the establishment of interaction between the entrepreneurial university and the local infrastructure within the framework of the mission launched requires intensified contacts in the triangle "local government - business - university".


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