• А. Khvostikov Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: international trade and economic relations, cognitive scheme, international economic activity, international trade and economic cooperation, principles


The development of international trade and economic relations and the formation of integration associations of countries of approximately the same level of socio-economic development and with the same basic and institutional conditions, contributes to the most positive effect. But it is important to understand the structure of international trade and economic relations (ITER), so the issues of conceptual and categorical apparatus of this subject area, are extremely relevant and timely, which are thoroughly explored in the article. The importance of historical and comparative analysis of international trade theories is substantiated. Morphological analysis was applied, which has allowed to analyse key features (essential component of the concept; participants; condition of origin; purpose) of such concepts as "international economic relations", "international trade relations" and to summarize their meaning. An essence cognitive scheme of international trade and economic relations is proposed, the formation of which is based on the clarification of the substantive content of such concepts as "international economic relations", "international trade relations", "international economic activity", "international trade and economic cooperation", which has made it possible to correctly operate the study logic. The structure of the studied concept is distinguished, which includes: subjects and objects of ITER, forms of ITER, levels of development and levels of interaction of ITER, environment of development of ITER, laws of development of ITER; ITER principles and features of ITER. The peculiarities of international trade and economic relations are defined: strengthening of trade and economic relations and intensification of international interaction of the ITER subjects; different level of interaction and development of ITER; deepening processes of globalization, transnationalization and internationalization, which indicates the dependence of each country on international business. The definition of international trade and economic relations is given as a set of economic relations, reflecting trade and economic relations between entities (states, international organizations and enterprises, legal entities and individuals), which are carried out in the process of participation in the international division labor and international trade, in accordance with the rules of international trade law, with the aim of deepening international trade and economic cooperation.


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How to Cite
KhvostikovА. (2019). A COGNITIVE CHART DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE-ECONOMIC RELATIONS ESSENCE. Economic Scope, (152), 56-65. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/152-5