• A. Gerasymenko Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • N. Mazaraki Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • G. Duginets Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: academic integrity, blind review, open review, scientific publications


The article is devoted to the analysis of modern mechanisms of quality assurance of scientific publications, stimulation of scientific discussion and academic integrity. "Blind review", which is mostly used by national scientific periodicals, does not always ensure the publication of original and relevant scientific research results. Moreover, such a method of reviewing does not form sufficient prerequisites for the good faith of the reviewer, a careful attitude towards the study of the content of the scientific publication that is being reviewed. Scientific discussion, which can potentially improve both the quality of scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge, is practically impossible under the "blind review". The authors have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of "open review" mechanisms, which are gradually being introduced in the European scientific space. It has been established that such review prevents unfair criticism, contributes to the objective assessment of scientific publication, provides the opportunity for scientific discussion among specialists of a certain sphere and timely detection of plagiarism and "rewriting". At the same time, the "open review" bears number of shortcomings: the potential reluctance of the reviewer on its behalf to submit a negative review or even work on writing it, which requires some incentives from editorial boards and organizational committees of scientific conferences. The authors has justified the need to diversify the mechanisms for reviewing scientific publications in the Ukrainian scientific and educational environment as a way to improve the quality of socio-economic research in Ukraine.


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WEF (2018) The Global Competitiveness Report 2018. Retrieved from:

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How to Cite
Gerasymenko, A., Mazaraki, N., & Duginets, G. (2019). OPEN PEER REVIEW AS A TOOL FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESEARCH. Economic Scope, (141), 25-35. Retrieved from