• L. Drohomyretska State Institution “Institute of Regional Studies named after M.I. Dolishnogo NAS of Ukraine”
Keywords: word, concept, category, territorial community, rural community, social and territorial community, European policy, mechanism, sustainable development of agroterritories, model of development of rural territories


This paper deals with process of forming the essence of the notion of “territorial community”. In the article presented the author investigates in detail the etymology of the word “community” and the understanding of its essence among historians, scholars and existing legislation. The various approaches of scientists concerning the theoretical and methodological bases of the study of the concept “territorial community” are highlighted. It is proved that the territorial community should include in the complex and the level of provision of social services, the development of culture, in particular its infrastructure within the limits of social, taking into account the geographical location, the ecological situation in this territory, external relations with other communities, cultural potential. The author discusses the concept of rural community in the category “rural territory”, examines the scientific views on the differentiation and varieties of this category, examines the foreign experience of existing models of development of rural areas and their support. The main priorities of the development of rural areas are determined, namely, the identification of specific features of these territorial communities as a unified system, and secondly, the definition of the nature of their intercomponent relationships. On the basis of this, the actual vision of the definition of “rural community” is presented. Thus, the author, under the rural community means a certain association of residents of a limited area of the village or settlement, which show the initiative to jointly solve the problems of the community, taking into account the features of the territory, infrastructure, economic development, the state of agriculture and cultural traditions.


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How to Cite
Drohomyretska, L. (2018). THE ESSENCE AND ROLE OF RURAL TERRITORIAL GROUPS IN UKRAINIAN MODERNITY. Economic Scope, (140), 41-51. Retrieved from