• O. Knyshek University of Customs and Finance
  • I. Tarasenko University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: financial analysis, financial condition of the enterprise, methods of financial analysis, management, economic instability


Ukraine's economy as an element of the global system is one of the weakest links and is highly vulnerable to crisis phenomena. In theese conditions of economic instability, each enterprise should more closely analyze their activities in order to quickly identify the threat of bankruptcy and reveal ways to stabilize economic situation. For this purpose, a financial analysis of the company's activity has been used. The essence, purpose, methods of conducting financial analysis, which is a necessary component of the management apparatus to support the financial independence of the enterprise have been analyzed. Particular attention has been paid to the feasibility of developing and implementing adapted to modern conditions measures to improve the financial situation of domestic enterprises in conditions of economic instability. Attention has been drawn to the importance of choosing the method of financial analysis, taking into account the purpose of the enterprise and the situation on the market. It has also been noted that one of the important stages after the financial analysis of the enterprise is the development of a proper strategy for enterprise development. Based on this, the article gives an example of an algorithm for phased development of the enterprise development strategy based on the diagnosis of financial condition. The main goal of the company's operations in the market is the financial result in the form of profit and one of the key indicators that determines the effectiveness of its activities. Successful activity of the company in the market conditions largely depends on how the complex process of enterprise management is carried out, the essence of which is to find and make the most effective decisions and their practical implementation.


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How to Cite
Knyshek, O., & Tarasenko, I. (2018). FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY IN CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC INSTABILITY. Economic Scope, (139), 171-181. Retrieved from