• O. Androsova Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
Keywords: corporate culture, machine-building enterprises, lements of corporate culture, culture of states, culture of action


In the article, the corporate culture of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine has been considered as a special system, which is based on a set of logical equations that help to build a mission in machine-building enterprises. It has been determined that according to the main purpose of machine-building enterprises, the main elements of the corporate culture are formed. Multifactority of formation of elements of corporate culture has been revealed. The classification scheme of its main types on the main multidimensional classification features has been proposed. Much attention is paid to the culture of states and the culture of action. It has been determined that the culture of states is very topical for transient processes, preserves the equilibrium in an imbalance between the familiar situation and the entrance to the new one. The culture of states helps to simulate the new situation and new processes. The culture of action reflects the dynamics, progressive activity, and continues the culture of the states. In each classification group there is a kind of culture that influences the increase of the competitive status of the machine-building enterprise in the market: a viable culture, a holistic culture, a developed culture, a flexible culture.


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How to Cite
Androsova, O. (2018). КОРПОРАТИВНА КУЛЬТУРА НА МАШИНОБУДІВНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВАХ УКРАЇНИ ЯК ОСОБЛИВА СИСТЕМА. Economic Scope, (139), 162-170. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/379