• V. Vecherov Prodniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • R. Aliev Prodniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • A. Iskanderov Prodniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: construction service, construction services market, investment and construction sphere, cooperative ties, pricing, construction cost


The essence of construction services as a special type of production investment and construction sphere has been analyzed in the article. It has been emphasized on the variety of cooperative ties that arise in the process of production and sale of construction services. The main features of the modern world market of construction services and the peculiarities of its development in terms of its information and technological support has been investigated. The factors that have influenced the need to develop common rules and single contract documentation in the process of production and sales of construction services have been found out. A system of relations between the major engineering and construction companies and industrial corporations, which has a serious impact on the overall market conditions of both world and European construction services markets, has been analyzed. It has been found that the greatest difficulties arise between international consortia and cartels created by large TNCs on the long-term basis. The features of pricing in the construction services market have been systematized and the fact that cost of construction in European countries is closely linked to socioeconomic and regulatory conditions that differ significantly from each other has been proved. It has been clarified that in practice several methodological approaches have been developed, the purpose of which is to adequately compare the cost of construction in different countries.


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How to Cite
Vecherov, V., Aliev, R., & Iskanderov, A. (2018). MODERN CONSTRUCTION SERVICE: THE CONTENT AND FEATURES OF VALUE FORMATION. Economic Scope, (139), 120-135. Retrieved from