• T. Vasilieva Sumy State University
  • I. Tiutiunyk Sumy State University
  • K. Demchuk Sumy State University
Keywords: leasing, investment development, financing of enterprises, lending, fixed assets


The article describes the preconditions for the use of leasing operations by economic entities in Ukraine. On the basis of the analysis of the role of leasing in the processes of financing of enterprises, it has been proved that at the current stage of the Ukrainian economy development, leasing operations provide an increase in their level of innovation, production and financial potential, contribute to strengthening their financial stability and competitiveness. The analysis of trends of the market of leasing services in Ukraine and in the world has been conducted. It was concluded that, despite the significant increase in the share of leasing operations in the structure of Ukraine's GDP, its value is rather low compared with the rest of the world. It has been determined that the most active use of leasing operations takes place in agriculture and transport. The most influential factors hindering the development of leasing operations in the country include: economic instability, low level of awareness of participants, imperfect regulatory framework. It is proved that the development of the market of leasing services is the most effective source of updating of production capacities of enterprises, access to the latest technologies and techniques.


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How to Cite
Vasilieva, T., Tiutiunyk, I., & Demchuk, K. (2018). ROLE AND PLACE OF LEASING IN FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SUPPORT OF ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (139), 110-119. Retrieved from