• Yu. Orlovskaya PSAE Pridniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • S. Morozova PSAE Pridniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: innovation development, European countries, clustering of research expenditures, patents statistics, number of scientific research publications


The article provides a comparative analysis of the current state of innovative development of Ukraine's economy that enables to substantiate the general directions of long - term strategic innovation modernization of the Ukrainian economy aimed at improving the country's position in the European space. It is determined that, in the second decade of the XXI century, there has been a decrease in foreign trade volumes, but the share of high-tech products increased, which is explained by the transformation of foreign trade flows in the context of changing the political course of development of the Ukrainian economy in 2014. The majority of high-tech exports have been directed to the EU countries, therefore, with a decrease in exports to Russia, this share has increased. The share of research expenditures, patent statistics, the number of research publications and peculiarities of innovation activity of small and medium enterprises as the main indicators of the cost effectiveness of research and development in Ukraine and in the EU are analysed in the article. It is concluded that the country is currently in such a phase that is creating the economic and structural preconditions for the economic development of systems and large-scale technological changes that are to begin on the ascending stage of the industrial cycle. According to the results of the study, an optimistic strategy for the transition to the Fourth Cluster with the identification of certain ways of developing the national economy is proposed and substantiated, with the goal of improving the effectiveness of Ukraine's innovation development in mind. It is proposed to consider the latter not only from the point of view of the interests of accelerating economic growth in the country, but also in terms of opportunities for internationalization of science and the spread of multi-level cooperation in the field of research and development.


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How to Cite
Orlovskaya, Y., & Morozova, S. (2018). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE AS PART OF EUROPEAN SPACE IN THE XXI CENTURY. Economic Scope, (139), 14-29. Retrieved from