• Yu. Zaloznova Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine
  • N. Trushkina Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine
  • N. Rynkevich Prydniprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: enterprise, organizational culture, development management, organizational and economic mechanism, transformation, client-oriented approach, digital technologies


Currently, there is an urgent need to improve the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of organizational culture. This allows for greater flexibility and the ability to respond promptly to changes in the internal and external environment, which meets the current conditions of enterprise management. Research methods: analysis and synthesis, classifications, structural-logical, generalization, expert survey. Empirical research has identified barriers to the effective development of corporate organizational culture. It was found that the main obstacles to the transformation of the organizational culture of companies in the digital economy include: low level of employee involvement; lack of financial resources; imperfection of organizational structure; lack of clear vision and support for leadership; misunderstanding of digital trends; failure to make the necessary changes to the organizational culture; underdevelopment of IT infrastructure; lack of digital skills; lack of databases. It is established that in the scientific literature such concepts as «management mechanism», «organizational mechanism», «economic mechanism», «organizational and economic mechanism» are used. There is no single interpretation of these concepts, which is due to the diversity of science schools to determine their nature and content. On the basis of theoretical generalization of the existing scientific developments concerning the conceptual apparatus, the author's interpretation of the term «organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of organizational culture» is proposed as a set of principles, tools, functions, methods, tools, resources and factors of influence aimed at achieving sustainable functioning of the enterprise (personnel management costs, application of client-oriented approach to organizational culture formation, implementation of training and promotion programs spare staff development, using modern digital technology). It is proved that there is a direct correlation between the organizational culture of enterprises and financial results. The ways of transformation of organizational culture are defined: improvement of qualification of employees, which must meet modern requirements of functioning of enterprises; introduction of digital technologies that allow to optimize business processes; applying a customer-centric approach, that is, customer orientation; improving the effectiveness of communications between employees; growth in funding.


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