• O. Varlamova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • В. А. Селезньова Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: international rating, political instability, inflation, hryvnia exchange rate, competitiveness level, banking sector, scientific and technical activity


The positioning of Ukraine in international ratings has been analyzed in the article, that is, how domestic companies are perceived by foreign contractors. The main problems of national companies' penetration into foreign markets are analyzed, namely political instability, inflation, hryvnia fluctuations, low level of competitiveness, reduction of financing volumes, absence of mechanism for effective introduction of new technologies. Political instability, which causes frequent governmental changes, deepening of the financial and socio-economic crisis, increasing the level of risk in the work of national enterprises, resulting in a fall in the income of citizens, the magnitude of demand for products and opportunities for further development of firms, contributes to the fact that export contracts reluctant to conclude, trade with international counterparties is declining. The depreciation of the national currency had a detrimental effect on the competitiveness of domestic companies' products in foreign markets, which was reflected in the dynamics of the real effective exchange rate. An analysis of the structure of exports of Ukrainian goods gives grounds to claim that the bulk of it belongs to products with a low degree of processing, and therefore - with low added value. Indicators of the banking sector are gradually returning to indicators of 2014, which is why banking lending and in general the banking system of Ukraine is gradually returning confidence to businessmen and citizens, however, in order to develop international trade, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for export crediting and to develop investment activities. Domestic enterprises need to pay due attention and build up intellectual capital that would provide the necessary knowledge needed to create and bring to market high-value consumer hardware. For domestic enterprises, providing innovative development is, in fact, the only prerequisite for their survival and potential entry into world markets. It has been concluded that these factors are interrelated and require gradual steps to strengthen the Ukrainian economy in order to improve the penetration of national companies into foreign markets.


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How to Cite
Varlamova, O., & Селезньова, В. А. (2019). ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL COMPANIES PROBLEMS TO ENTER FOREIGN MARKETS. Economic Scope, (149), 7-13.