• O. Chumak SSI «Institute of Educational Analysis»
Keywords: accounting policy, land resources, land use right, lease


The purpose of the article is to justify the procedure for determining and agreeing elements of the accounting policy of enterprises in the activity use land resources in the assets. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: to identify the elements of accounting policy and to disclose the features of accounting techniques in the alternatives, taking into account the specifics of the object of accounting. Methodological aspects of land resources accounting, respectively, P(S)A, IAS, IFRS and current law norms have been used. The elements of the accounting policy have been systematized and characterized taking into account the specificity of land resources accounting. The practice of applying methodological aspects of accounting land on P(S)A and IFRS for certain elements of accounting policy was compared. Law aspects are considered when selecting elements of accounting policy. Practical value is to provide recommendations on the reconciliation of accounting policy elements among themselves. The scientific value is to substantiate the accounting policy provisions, which allows to provide complete and true information about them in the company's reporting and provides information to government agencies that form the accounting of the national land asset.


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How to Cite
Chumak, O. (2018). RECONCILIATIONOF ELEMENTS OF ACCOUNTING POLICY FOR LAND RESOURCES. Economic Scope, (138), 223-232. Retrieved from