• S. Sardak Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • A. Sarkisian Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: innovations, international tourism, innovative activity, factors, principles of innovations, directions of innovations


The purpose of the article is to study the existing and potential forms of innovation in international tourism. The article considers the features of innovation and points out that innovations in tourism include innovations that are accompanied by the creation of new tourist services and improvement of the old ones, the development of new tourist routes, the use of new technologies for the servicing of tourists. It is noted that the implementation of effective innovations in international tourism should be accompanied by the principles: scientific, systematic, positive result, immanentness of investment processes, conformity of innovations to the needs of tourists, connectivity, safety, adaptability, competitiveness, controllability, taking into account the innovative potential of the territory, feedback. The modern forms of innovations in space tourism, tourism, industrial, medical, tourism, gastronomic, film tourism, shopping tourism, photo tourism and virtual tourism are determined. For the analysed types of tourism, potential directions of innovation in the areas of product policy, technology, marketing, organizational and managerial measures, service, and logistics are offered. Identified natural, biological, technical, economic, social and managerial factors influencing innovation activity in international tourism.


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How to Cite
Sardak, S., & Sarkisian, A. (2018). INNOVATIVE ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (138), 18-28. Retrieved from