• О. Pavlishchuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • P. Kravets National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: forestry, economic mechanism, climate change, adaptive forest management, economic instruments, process-system approach


The article substantiates the essence and approaches to the formation of an
economic mechanism for mitigating the effects of climate change in forestry and
its tools as a component of an adaptive forest management model. Based on the
general theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, fundamental provisions of
the economy of nature management, economic theory of sustainable development
and management, the structure and components of the economic mechanism of
mitigating the effects of climate change in the forestry industry have been
proposed. It has been proved that such components of the economic mechanism
should be target, functional and security blocks. The target block should be
considered through the prism of its elements, which are the mission, goals, criteria
for the purpose of evaluation, verification; functional block - planning and
organization of activities, accounting and control of achieved results, marketing;
security block - informational, resource, personnel, innovative, financial and
economic support. It has been established that in order to ensure the effectiveness
of the economic mechanism, its formation should be based on the principles of
scientific substantiation, systemicity, flexibility, complexity, prevention of
negative effects of climate change, transparency, justice and joint responsibility,
as has been characterized in the article. The economic instruments for mitigating
climate change in the forestry sector, which are classified according to the
magnitude of the impact to the economic system: "strong"; "average"; "soft" have
been defined as the elements of economic mechanism. "Strong" influence
instruments include those that have a direct effect on mitigating climate change
in the forestry sector and are related to administrative, control regulation. Instruments that are aimed at financial and economic stimulation of the behavior
of economic actors in the medium-term strategy in the direction of providing
ecologically balanced forest use, increasing adaptation potential of forests and
forestry to climate change have been suggested as the instruments of "medium"
influence. Instruments that determine the development of an environmentally
oriented forest products and services market and have a long-term response time
in the system of influence on the behavior of economic entities have been
suggested as the instruments of "soft" influence. Research results can be used for
scientific substantiation of improvement of forest management models in
conditions of climate change and ensuring their practical implementation. Further
research in this area should be related to the development of risk-oriented
approaches to planning and multilateral decision-making with the participation of


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How to Cite
PavlishchukО., & Kravets, P. (2018). PECULIARITIES OF FORMING AN ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION IN FORESTRY. Economic Scope, (137), 211-221. Retrieved from