• O. M. Lozhachevska National Transport University
  • V. I. Shcherban National Transport University
Keywords: hotel, hotel network, tourism, investments, hotel service, hotel operator


This article analyzes the current state of hotel services in Ukraine and looks at the prospects for the development of foreign hotel chains in Ukraine. The aim of this article is to identify the development abilities of foreign hotel chains in Ukraine. Thus, during the analysis it has been determined that the importance of the development of hotel chains for Ukraine is determined by the following factors: the presence of a large variety of tourism potential; the close connection of hotel chains with many other branches of the economy, which makes it possible to get a multiplicative effect; approximation to European and world standards of the quality of goods and services and improvement of the comfort of life for significant segments of the population; increasing currency revenues to the country, replenishing state and local budgets with the funds necessary for further development of the national economy. It has been stated that in order to increase the attractiveness of the hotel industry of Ukraine for international investors, the strategic objectives of the investment policy in tourism and hotel industry in Ukraine should be: the formation of a favorable investment climate, stimulation of the inflow of capital investments in reconstruction and construction of modern four and n 's-star hotels in accordance with international requirements and standards; investment support for the structural adjustment of the hotel industry by typing the enterprises, location; mobilization of all sources of investment resources and their effective use, creation of conditions for the growth of domestic investment resources; the organization of tourist and sports centers and mountain bases, the arrangement of ski slopes and lifts in the territories of priority tourism development, in special economic zones, as well as the creation of motels, campsites along the transport corridors; ensuring the development of the industry industry for the production of souvenirs, advertising brochures, catalogs, guides, tourist atlases and maps, city plans, calendars, posters and other promotional products.


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How to Cite
Lozhachevska, O. M., & Shcherban, V. I. (2018). PERSPECTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN HOTEL CHAINS IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (136), 33-44. Retrieved from