• I. Popadinets Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: oil and gas company, stacker, diagnostics, express assessment, selfdiagnostics


The research was carried out to identify the main groups of stakeholders of NGC and their interests. It has been established that certain stakeholder groups are not limited to those that are grouped. These may include other interested parties, which are determined by the enterprise depending on the change in its activities. The need to identify groups of stakeholders and the study of their interests is explained by the fact that the interests of different groups have a different vector of direction and their ignorance can lead to conflict. It is proposed to analyze the stakeholders of NGCs by means of estimating the level of attraction of the stewards to the activity of the oil and gas company, is proposed to use the method of self-diagnostics of an enterprise that is easy to use. When evaluating each stakeholder, the oil and gas company sets "+" if the answer is positive and "-" if the answer is negative, which allows you to quickly acknowledge which components of the cooperation are executed at a high level and where it is necessary to make adjustments. The method of self-diagnosis of the level of attraction of stakeholders in the NDP activity allows to identify weaknesses in cooperation with stakeholders, but any cooperation should be effective for both parties. In the express assessment of the efficiency of the stockholder for the oil and gas company, two groups of conditions were distinguished: mandatory and desirable. Observance of mandatory conditions is necessary in order to ensure the break-even activity of the oil and gas company in the market, and such conditions are reduced to the availability of competitive advantages at the price, market opportunity to provide income for the enterprise and the principle of break-even activity. Compliance with the desired conditions ensures the possibility of generating profits from the company's activities on the market. Express-rating reflects the principle profitability of the local market for the oil and gas company in case of its release, or the absence of such profitability. To use the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of cooperation between stakeholders and oil and gas companies, it is expedient to use a group of experts, which will allow to conduct an express evaluation.


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How to Cite
Popadinets, I. (2018). STEAKHOLDERS’ DIAGNOSTIC OF OIL AND GAS ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (135), 181-191. Retrieved from