• V. Volkova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • V. Oglikh Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: production system, single and small-scale type of production, efficient loading of the production system, predicting demand, uniformity and balance of work increasement, mathematical modeling methods


The purpose of the study is to increase the degree of uniformity and rhythmicity of the enterprise due to the efficient loading of the production system on the basis of techniques and methods of mathematical modeling. The peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises with a single and small-scale type of production have been analyzed. It has been found that improving the performance of such enterprises is impossible without an effective load of their production system. The concept of the efficient loading of the production system has been determined. The tasks of the efficient loading of the production system of the enterprise under conditions of the consistent and parallel organization of product processing have been formulated. Stages for solving the corresponding tasks are proposed and their implementation is described. The advantages of the foregoing include: consideration of potentially different requirements for using the equipment of a manufacturing enterprise in conditions of parallel/sequential product processing; anticipation the possibility of transition from a purely parallel scheme of organization of processing to a partially cross-cutting one at the expense of determination and taking into account the unused available time for operating the enterprise’s equipment at various areas in order to produce additional production volumes; take into consideration the market requirements to the production system of the enterprise due to the use of the values of the predicting demand for products and the construction of a flexible equipment loading system. Practical realization of loading models of equipment is attained. The results of the research presented in this article can be used in the practical activity of any enterprise with a single or small-scale type of production, which aims to increase the degree of uniformity and balance of work due to the efficient loading of the production system.


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How to Cite
Volkova, V., & Oglikh, V. (2018). INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF LOADING THE ENTERPRISE PRODUCTION SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (135), 162-171. Retrieved from