• O. Kvaktun Prydniprovska state academy of civil cngineering and architecture
  • O. Verteleckaya Prydniprovska state academy of civil cngineering and architecture
  • K. Kalinichenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil cngineering and architecture
Keywords: international image of the country, image of the country, image strategy, human potential index, global competitiveness index, global competitiveness index of talents, SWOT-analysis, image policy


One of the priority tasks of the realization of the European development vector of a country is the formation of the positive image of Ukraine on the world stage. The article gives a theoretical analysis of the modern scientific approaches to the definition of «international image of the country». It is indicated that the image strategy of the state should correspond to the following parameters: purposefulness, clarity, reasonableness, efficiency (use of resources), dynamism and uniqueness. For an objective assessment of Ukrainian image, its positions in the most famous ratings of the countries worldwide (the index of human potential, global competitiveness index, global competitiveness index of talents) were estimated. The authors claim that there is a necessity to refer to the strategic analysis methods while developing the image strategy of the state (SWOTanalysis, Delphi method, the method of collective generation of ideas «Brainstorming», scenario and expert estimation methods, etc.). The main drawbacks of the existing image policy of Ukraine are outlined and the main strategic guidelines of the state aimed at optimizing the international image of Ukraine are directed.


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How to Cite
Kvaktun, O., Verteleckaya, O., & Kalinichenko, K. (2018). CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS OF THE FORMATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL IMAGE OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (135), 39-48. Retrieved from