• Y. Chyrychenko University of Customs and Finance
  • M. Korneyev University of Customs and Finance
  • I. Sukhatska University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: goals of sustainable development, international economic relations, hotel and restaurant business, tourism business, innovation platform, investment strategy of national development, priorities of national economy development


The Ukrainian tourist, hotel and restaurant industries have been considered with regard to the processes of achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The best practices of the World Tourism Organization were analyzed in that regard. The separate statistical results of the 2017 year, that was the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, also were reviewed. The relevance of the problem of the factor of Ukrainians in the global process of achieving the SDG has been determined. The analysis of recent scientific researches on the organization of the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant economy and its development has been carried out. It has been established that the problems of achievement of the SDG, the current state of the national economy in general, tourism and hotel and restaurant industry in particular, need an additional impetus for development. As a task, the wording of the conceptual provisions for the development of the hospitality industry as an integral part of the implementation of the Ukraine-2020 Sustainable Development Strategy is defined. It has been established that the ideal instrument for the further influence of the state on rather complicated geopolitical and macroeconomic processes of achievement of the SDG should be the high-tech and related industries of the national economy characterized by international values. The Ukrainian tourism industry and the hotel and restaurant sector are very well suited for the role of the locomotive of the national process of achieving the SDG. At the same time, we note that the tourist industry around the world is quite clearly perceived as a perfect instrument for the achievement of the SDG. But the hotel and restaurant business as part of the hospitality industry should also be considered in terms of compliance with the proposed World Tourism Organization indicators of the achievement of the SDG. Therefore, the priority of the strategy of public administration should be the support of the domestic hospitality industry. This should be done through the creation of a favorable investment climate, ensuring protection of property rights conditions, incentives through tax policy and so on. These issues are very promising for further research.


UNWTO Annual Report 2017. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Madrid - 2018. 106 p.

Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals – Journey to 2030 World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Madrid - 2018. 108 p.

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How to Cite
Chyrychenko, Y., Korneyev, M., & Sukhatska, I. (2018). UKRAINIAN TOURIST AND HOTEL-RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN THE INTERNATIONAL PROCESS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (134), 79-88. Retrieved from