• O. Bulatova Mariupol State University
Keywords: global value chains, international production networks, multinational corporations, regionalization of production processes, gross value added


The article presents the results of identifying the contemporary trends in the development of international production networks. Over the course of the study, it has
been determined that the fragmentation of international production is a result of certain
global processes that have pervaded the system of international production. Foreign
value added in trade, which is defined as the share of imported goods and services
included in the country's exports, is an important indicator of the development of
international production networks. It is substantiated that an IPN, which involves large,
medium and small suppliers from different regions and countries of origin, is formed
through the decisions of the MNC regarding the geographical location of operations,
including in the form of outsourcing decisions. In the course of the study, it has been
proven that the regionalization of production processes intensified intra-regional trade
operations, fostering the development of complementarity and interdependence of
countries, the spread and deepening of integrative interaction. A comparison of
regionalization processes in the North American, European and Asian-Pacific models
of regional integration proves that the division of labor within the framework of the
latter has a more complex structure and is characterized by the presence of significant
open networks covering a significant number of countries in the region, which account
for the majority of the intra-firm exchange volume.


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How to Cite
Bulatova, O. (2018). MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION NETWORKS. Economic Scope, (134), 5-15. Retrieved from