• Z. Lobodina Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: budget regulation, budget decentralization, interbudget transfers, national taxes and fees, own and delegated powers of local authorities, budget support for the implementation of the powers of local authorities


It has been learnt that along with positive results from the reformation of budget relations there are shortcomings that complicate the practical application of budgetary regulation as an important method of the budget mechanism of socio-economic development of a country. The algorithm of budget regulation implementation, observance of which would allow improving the budget support for the realization of own and delegated powers of local authorities, has been worked out. It has been emphasized on the priority of using such a tool of budgetary regulation as fixed income in the form of national taxes and fees in full as well as their part. The author believes that taking into account the revenues of all national taxes and fees fixed by them in the volumes determined by the Budget Code of Ukraine during the calculation of the local government tax capacity index is the very important issue as well. The assessment of the effectiveness of budget regulation based on the level of availability of budget resources delegated by the state authorities to local self-government bodies has been suggested in the article.


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How to Cite
Lobodina, Z. (2018). BUDGETARY REGULATION AND PROSPECTS FOR ITS IMPROVMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF BUDGET DECENTRALIZATION. Economic Scope, (133), 1360-143. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/233