• I. Yaroshenko Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: forestry sector, corruption, shadow economy, state regulation


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ways to prevent and combat corruption in the forestry sector of Ukraine. Corruption in the forestry sector is an obstacle to its development, modernization, implementation of reforms. The article assesses the level of corruption and the size of the shadow economy in Ukraine. Overcoming corruption in the forestry sector cannot be made solely at the sectoral level, since this is a problem of state concern that needs to be addressed through the implementation of mechanisms, tools and measures of state regulation. It is determined that to overcome corruption in the forestry sector it is necessary to create a system of strategic documents on state regulation of the sector; differentiate the functions of regulation, supervision and control over the implementation of economic activities among public authorities; reduce the level of monopolization of the forest products market; implement the inventory of forest resources and provide access to information about forest resources and management; decrease the administrative pressure; improve the regulatory framework for the wood market.


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How to Cite
Yaroshenko, I. (2018). OVERCOMING CORRUPTION IN THE FORESTRY SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (133), 111-120. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/230