• . Serdyukov Kharkiv Institute of Finance of Kiev National Trade and Economic University
Keywords: corporate control, joint-stock company, level of maturity, Rash's scale, the corporate control mechanism


The development of the national economy corporate sector requires the corresponding development for the mechanism of corporate control implementation. Also, it requires the ensuring of the corporate control distribution processes continuous improvement. Only a sufficient level of this mechanism maturity allows smoothing over the corporate conflicts appearance which objectively presents in any business association or jointstock company. The article aims to develop the theoretical and methodical approach to corporate control in a business community or joint-stock company distribution and implementation which based on maturity level of control processes evaluation. In this article we have used general and specific scientific methods of research, such as expert evaluation and Rush-scale. As part of the research some author hypotheses have been put forward. These hypotheses are about the possibility of transferring the models and approaches to business-processes maturity assessing with appropriate adaptation over the evaluation of maturity level for the mechanism of corporate control in a business community. Ensuring the reliability of these hypotheses gives the possibility to determine the aggregated directions of maturity estimation. These directions are the maturity of the corporate control distribution process, the maturity of the corporate control mechanism activity, the maturity of the corporate control transformation or review process, the maturity of the corporate control implementation architecture.Detailed elaboration develops the system of indicators for each of given directions all of which correlated with offered levels of the corporate control maturity. Bringing these indicators to a binary look has made it possible to apply the Rashscale for each level of maturity assessing and calculating the integral value of corporate control maturity. Assessing the maturity level of business community corporate control mechanism provided an opportunity to identify the improving way for corporate control distribution and implementation. Such assessment also helps to identify the elements of the corporate control mechanism which not corresponded with the current state of corporate relations in a business community or joint-stock company.


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How to Cite
Serdyukov, . (2018). THE MATURITY LEVEL OF JOINT-STOCK COMPANY CORPORATE CONTROL MECHANISM ESTIMATION. Economic Scope, (131), 170-183. Retrieved from