• B. Kyshakevych Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko
  • O. Migulka Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko
Keywords: leasing, fintech, digital economy, Omni-channel, lessee, leasehold


The article analyzes the features of financial and leasing companies functioning in the conditions of active development of the digital economy. It has been shown that, thanks to digital technology and Internet accessibility, financial and leasing companies around the world began to introduce new business models. It was noted that the use of tools and methods of big data by financial and leasing companies resulted in a comprehensive study of clients, competitors, markets, products, services and channels. It is argued that it is economically feasible for leasing companies to offer their customers an Omnichannel approach, based on the mutual integration of disparate communication channels into a single system. This would allow uninterrupted and continuous communication with the client, allowing the latter to interact with the organization at any time and from any place. It has been shown that the active introduction of digital technologies in the Ukrainian leasing market would allow to standardize many stages of leasing operations, significantly reduce the cost of leasing operations in the traditional way, change the methods of market research and acquisition of goods.


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How to Cite
Kyshakevych, B., & Migulka, O. (2019). LEASING IN THE EPOXY OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY: PROSPECTS AND DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (141), 183-194. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/20